Sunday, May 10, 2009

Release: Skies of Fury

After a bit of a delay caused by The University requiring us to partake in minor technicalities such as final exams, we now are rolling out the release builds of all six projects developed under SGD this past semester. Skies of Fury is the first such project from this past semester to be released.

Download link and more after the jump.

Skies of Fury is a top-down 2D shooter in which the player takes control of an advanced tactical fighter and takes on the continuing swarms of enemies that approach him. To take on the enemy, the player has two weapons: a standard laser, and a charge weapon which can attack multiple enemies at once. As the player scores more points, the primary weapon receives upgrades; these upgrades are necessary as the waves of enemies the player encounters become progressively more difficult.

Skies of Fury was developed using Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0 and is intended for use on Windows computers with the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework installed. Players can use either the keyboard or XBOX360 gamepad for input.

All games posted by Student Game Developers are provided "as is". Skies of Fury is being released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License unless otherwise noted; in the case of SoF, see the readme file for more details.

Without further adieu, you can download Skies of Fury by clicking here.

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